Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Child with sirenomelia rejects normalization

Shiloh, 8, is the only living person with sirenomelia, or "mermaid syndrome", who has not undergone cosmetic surgical separation of her legs. In 2005 Peruvian doctors separated the fused legs of Milagros Cerrón in an appalling operation in which the head surgeon literally spoke to news cameras while cutting the child's flesh. Neither Milagros nor the other known surviving sirenomelian, Tiffany Yorks, can walk on her surgically constructed legs.

In this video, Shiloh demonstrates her impressive adaptability and declares that she is happy with the way her body is.


Jules said...

Nice post.Thanks for sharing it to us..
And for Shiloh,seems so very brave girl.=)
She look so happy despite to what happen to her..
And that makes me happy too.
Go girl,life's still goes on!!=D
Hope to see you on mine too..=)

Unknown said...

Good for her.
She's so brave,i'm glad she is happy..I love the post..
Keep on writing..=D

Anonymous said...
